Thursday, May 21, 2009


With over 30 years of mind and body therapy experience, the scope of Val Guin’s extensive career, as a private practitioner of the healing arts, international educator, program administrator and as the innovative force behind the revolutionary “Forearm Dance™ technique” is unquestionable.

Having attended numerous prestigious organizations (IPSB, Emperor’s college, Yo San University, Energenesis Institute, and the Kinesiology Institute, to name but a few) Guin has trained under the tutelage of some of the most innovative and inspirational leaders in the field of wellness and holistic health.

· Best selling author Jack Canfield

· 38th generation Chinese medicine/acupuncture masters, Dao Shing Ni and Mao Shing Ni,

· Body worker and somatic counselor, Tiahna Skye,

· Reichian, postural integration and polarity therapy expert, John Davis,

· Holistic health pain relief expert, John Maguire.

As an instructor at the renowned Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing, (IPSB), for over 24 years, Guin solidified her reputation as the “teacher to the teachers.” by creating “Forearm Dance™”. Described by MTJ magazine as an instructional massage program that is as “invigorating for the practitioner, as it is healing for the client” Guin’s unique methodology combines efficient body mechanics that use the forearm and olecranon as tools, giving therapists a greater freedom of movement, which increases strength, while placing less strain on the body.

Guin is a founding member of the Santa Monica Center of Healing arts where she maintains her private practice. With a client list built solely upon personal recommendation, professional athletes, musicians, celebrity fans, chiropractors, powerhouse execs, physical therapists, orthopedists and housewives’ alike not only call on Guin to utilize her expertise in successfully addressing and treating a wide range of chronic mind, body/movement injuries and imbalances, but also for her ability to apply her experience in an understandable and enjoyable manner.

Bringing together a gentle blend of touch, energy and movement that focuses on developing an ever evolving awareness of the physical, spiritual and emotional body psychology of each client, Guin works to make each person feel cared for, understood and at ease with their particular therapy process. Working in partnership with each client according to his/her personal needs, requirements and comfort levels is crucial in re-establishing optimal health, says Guin “However, client responsibility and participation are also key components of my treatment process… educating clients in mind/body awareness/mechanics enables them to notice and feel how daily activities affect their state of health, which enables them to adjust accordingly”

Approved by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, (NCBTM), to offer CE hours, Guin conducts training seminars across the country and abroad. She is frequently invited to present seminars and instruction at AMTA and other massage training events. Covering numerous therapeutic body, mind and movement related modalities, Guin’s classes encourage students to use their whole body of knowledge while enjoying the learning process.