Monday, June 23, 2008

June 22 Seminar Finished!

What an amazing group of people we had at yesterday's Los Angeles seminar! Thank you to all of you who attended.

We had people who were not just from the Los Angeles area, but people who came in from Texas and Montana, Northern California and Las Vegas, it was really quite incredible.

We appreciated the openness and excitement that you brought with you to start the day, which allowed us to have such a wonderful experience in instructing you.

What we, my Teacher Trainees and I, noticed about each of you was this, the way you entered the seminar, was not the way you left. Each of you really made remarkable transformations, both in your minds and in your bodies. For some of you, the change happened earlier in the day, for some a little later, but it occurred for each of you. You learned to think differently, to process differently, to hold your bodies differently and to feel differently.

I'm never amazed by these transformations, always though, so pleasantly surprised. It was wonderful, creative and moving for me to spend the day with each of you, getting to know you and having you allow me the gift of teaching you. I know that what you learned will continue to change you and your practice. I look forward to the oppertunity to see you in another seminar.

Until then,
Enjoy The Dance

1 comment:


How fun to be part of the Forearm Dance Movement!

Val, Thank you for sharing your experience—your artistry. How beautiful is this dance: Expression of sensuality, connecting, spirit, intelligence, chi.

And Sunday at the Marina couldn’t have been better… a rich experience—a coming together of diverse AND like-minded people. Your Teacher Trainees were awesome! A big THANK YOU for their presence and warm guidance. So yes, now I’ll be playing the DVD during Thanksgiving Dinner. It’s all quite appropriate. I sooooo get it!

Biggest Hug to all.